Latest News
Dream Cricket Project
The E-Club was honoured to receive the District 9710 Award for Youth Projects for theCanberrra Festival of DreamCricket at the District Changeover in Bateman's Bay on June28th.
Our Rypen Student Olivia talks to the Club
Our Rypen student Olivia discusses her experience at the recent Rypen course.
Midwifery Leadership Course -VTT
Our online meeting of 29/10/15 featured a talk about the Rotary Midwifery Leadership Course - VTT Pacific Islands.
Our very own Beth Woolley was instrumental in organising the course for midwives from Samoa, Fiji and Tonga.
watch the presentation here:
About Us
The Rotary E-Club of Brindabella has members throughout the States of Australia and overseas.
Our objective is to support the ideals of Rotary; support member’s local communities through service; support the People of the Western Desert, Dream Cricket with fundraising and community support. And enjoy our times together.