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Bulletin 11th to 117th may 2015

MEETING AGENDA WEEK 11th - 17th May 2015


The Club has scheduled a fortnightly online meeting, and the next meeting is this week on Thursday 14th May at 8.00PM. ZOOM invitations have been sent to all members.


Please review our New Website, which at this stageis still on the development server and can be seen here:


At our last online meeting 30/04/15

  • We decided to send a $250 donation to the Rotary Foundation.
  • We decided to sponsor a Rotary Exchange Student - Emma Maxfield. This will be first for our Club.

Club Reminders

  • Online meeting this week. Please attend!
  • Breakfast will be held at Remi Café, 14 Moore St Civic near to Barry Drive in Civic this Friday from 7:30am-8am.
  • Club Change-Over Lunch will be held on the 14th June at Moss Vale Golf Club at 12pm for 12:30pm.
  • Please pay your piggy bank contributions to Rotary Foundation via our Bank Account.
  • Please get your raffle tickets and money back to Beth ASAP 


Ross Ellis for

Geoff McLean

President 2014-2015


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